William Marks

Undergraduate Mathematics student at the University of Calgary

Welcome to my portfolio

My name is William Marks

Feel free to look around the portfolio, The education section consists of focus topics i have found interesting in my university studies. The about section contains details about myself. The projects section contains coding projects I have developed over the years as well as examples from them. For any questions or inquires you can find my contact information in the contact tab.

About Me

Name: William Marks

Age: 22

Occupation: University Student (undergraduate)

Major: Mathematics

Minor: Computer Science

Languages: English(fluent), Spanish(intermediate)

Interests: Mathematical Finance, Programming, Stochastic Processes, just to name a few.

download resume

Presidents honour roll at MRU

Fall 2020

Deans List at MRU


Golden Key International Honour Society




Featured Classes:

MATH391 (UofC): Interpolation and approximation, numerical integration and differentiation, numerical methods for the solution of non-linear equations, systems of linear equations and the eigenvalue problem, introduction to a scientific computing software.

MATH2303 (MRU): This course provides an introduction to techniques in linear algebra and their connections to data science. Topics include orthogonal basis decompositions, singular value decomposition of a matrix, and discrete Fourier and wavelet transforms and introductions to neural networks. This course is driven by applications to the analysis of big data.

CPSC319 (UofC): Fundamental data structures, including arrays, lists, stacks, queues, trees, hash tables, and graphs. Algorithms for searching and sorting. Introduction to analysis of algorithms. Applications of these data structures and algorithms. For students wishing to combine studies in computer science with studies in other disciplines.

MATH445 (UofC): An intermediate course in the theory of metric spaces and the continuous functions that act on them: metric spaces and normed vector spaces; complete metric spaces and the Baire category theorem; continuous functions on compact metric spaces and uniform convergence; the contraction mapping principle and applications; theorems of Stone-Weierstrass and ArzelĂ -Ascoli; differentiability on Euclidean spaces and the implicit function theorem.

MATH476 (UofC): Existence and uniqueness theorems, comparison and oscillation theorems, Green's functions, Sturm-Liouville problems, systems of equations, phase portraits, stability.

Throughout my university career, I have gained skills for the following languages:

  • C++
  • C
  • ASM
  • Java
  • C#
  • JavaScript/Node.js
  • Python
  • R

From these skills, I'm able to pick up on almost any framework and language relatively quickly, given my math background problem solving is almost second nature.


I've worked on many projects over the years, I have been programming for a total of 7 years now. From all these projects, whether big or small, it's not always about the end goal but the learning processes and struggles to get there. Although I have a few of my recent projects on my GitHub, I have 100+ more projects that aren't featured. On the canvas below, I have recreated the mandlebrot visualization from my GitHub, from c++ to JavaScript. I decided to do this one because it's a fun little math project and it also produces a very nice image visually as well.

The mandlebrot set can be described simply as a set of c complex vales that orbit z = 0, following the quadratic map of Zn+1² = Zn+c; Where Z = x + iy. and Zn+1 remains bounded. therefore we can say c is a member of the mandlebrot set, when we start with Z₀ = 0. Although this is just a visualization, the code can be found on my github for this whole website, as well as my other displayed projects. Clicking the button below will take you there. Also make sure to check out my blog! You can access it from the navbar on the left.



Thank you for taking a look around my portfolio. For any buisness inquires, comments, questions or concerns feel free to contact me at one of the following

Email: Send Email

Linkedin: LinkedIn

Phone: 587-227-9174